This past month I took a little visit up to see my family. It was sort of planned and sort of not. Things came up and I needed to be with my family but also Colby had his first set of board exams and I figured it would help him most if Eden and I got out of the way so he could devote his time to studying.
So Ryanne came down on Sunday to pick us up and we drove back together on Monday. Have I ever mentioned what an angel Eden is? She had no problems traveling. She is just a doll. In fact it was her first time ever in her new car seat and it is much comfortable than her other one so that helped a bunch.
Of course much of the time was spent with Eden getting attacked by Nana and Papa and her aunt Ryanne.
She also got so spend a lot of time with her cousins.
Karson is the oldest grandchild. He just turned 3 in February. He was so good with Eden and even tried to help her walk a little.
Eden was enthralled with her youngest cousin, Karley. She stole the binky from her mouth all the time.
Karley is such a cutie!!! She is almost 6 months and she a smiley little girl! I just love her!

(Ashley this story is for you!) So I decided to make dinner for my family while i was there and it ended very badly. In fact there was an explosion. I was assembling a tortilla stack and had the pie plate on the stove next to where the tortillas were being heated up. I didn't realize that the burner the pie plate was on was actually on. I kept hearing sizzling and realized it was on. Immediately, I grabbed the pie plate and placed it on a hot pad on the counter. I set it down and started to turn around. As soon as my back was completely turned the pie plate exploded!!!!!!!!!! Literally, I felt glass chunks hit my back and the back of my legs, broken pieces were flying across the room and into the living room (which is where all 3 kiddos were playing). Of course I screamed when it happened and my brother came running into the kitchen. My mother was down stairs and didn't hear a thing. So my brother and I were trying to clean it up while at the same time keeping all 3 kids out of the kitchen, not an easy task.

We pulled out the shop-vac and I entertained the kiddos and jordan and my mom cleaned up. There was glass under the microwave, the fridge, in the living room, under the table. Some even hit a plastic bag and melted it on contact. We were still finding pieces several days and I think they are still finding them. Obviously, the dinner was ruined and we ended up with chili instead. Luckily, my homemade buttermilk cornbread was in the oven and wasn't harmed.
Papa was reading books left and right to the kids. Eden kept grabbing the same book and dragging it over to him. Then she would sit in his lap and read it to him! Cutest thing ever!
I worked on many projects while I was there. My brother has a miter saw which came in very handy.
Also my brother and sister-in-law were getting rid of their dogs and Ryanne was fortunate enough to get Colby. I know, I know confusing right. The dogs name is Colby. Boy does our nephew get confused. He is such a good boy. He is a chihuahua mix of some sort. So cute!
It also just so happened the the Alumni basketball tournament was going on at my high school and Jordan, my brother, always plays in it. So Ryanne and I went to check it out. They have done a lot of renovations to the school since I graduated and haven't been back to see them. So I had to go and see.
My brother Jordan is the one blocking the shot in this picture.
It was a good trip and it was good for Eden to be around some other kids for while. There were a couple nights that were not so fun. Eden had a temp of 102 and hardly slept that night so I stayed up with her. Her fever broke around 5:30am. The next day was especially rough because we both felt terrible. She would not go to bed the next night and we tried everything; a bottle, rocking (but she only wanted momma), my dad gave her a blessing, then eventually around midnight Ryanne took her for a drive. Luckily, that did it! Thank goodness this all happened when I had some extra hands to help me out.
Jordan with his little girl!
It was good to be home and spend the needed time for my family. But the visit was way too long for Colby. One night when we were talking on the phone he said he found one of Eden's socks and his heart just melted and he slept with it. Turns out his heart isn't complete stone after all, Eden is softening him up.
He had no idea when we were coming home and we surprised him when I called from the plane and asked if he would come and pick us up in an hour. I think he was a little excited to get his girls back.
Thank you mom and dad for taking care of us!